Saturday, November 01, 2008

I am 21 weeks now....

I know I am not very good at keeping up with this :-)

I am 21 weeks so far and doing much better. I feel so much better then I did, wow!! I am still tired but hey who would not being tired, I 6 kids:-)

We had ultrsound a few weeks and it was so much fun, I just love seeing the baby move around and kick. The baby is was 10 oz and I just fell in love. I really want to come up with names but Michael is like we have 4 months it will come to us.

The boys are doing well in school and Jordan enjoys having only me and Kenna home all day long :-) We have lots of fun. We like to snuggle and watch TV and then we play some game he comes up with and he usally gets mad at Kenna for messing it up.

We took the kids trick or Treating and then to a party the next night, I will try to add those pictures this weekend :-) For now I must go but I will try to update more.

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